How to deal with uncertainty: 8 ways to cope in uncertain times

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA
Explore the benefits of facing uncertainty and some ways to cope with anxiety during moments of change. Plus, how to deal with uncertainty in your life.
It’s normal and natural to feel uncomfortable about not knowing what's next. These feelings may arise from our desire to control our lives and environments, but unfortunately, in life there is a lot that’s out of our control. When we can't predict or influence the future—especially in high-stakes situations—it's understandable to feel apprehensive and anxious.
Alongside these feelings, it’s important to recognize that uncertainty can be a catalyst for growth and positive change. Embracing the unknown can lead to personal development, open doors to new opportunities, and even strengthen our resilience. The key lies in finding ways to move through uncertainty with compassion and composure.
What is uncertainty and why does it cause anxiety?
Uncertainty is when we’re unsure about what might happen in the future and is something we all encounter. This could be about small circumstances, like not knowing what the weather will be tomorrow, or bigger ones, like wondering about job security or the health of a loved one. Uncertainty can even be about global events that affect many people. The common thread in all these situations is not knowing what's next.
The anxiety provoked by uncertainty has a lot to do with our natural desire for predictability and control. Knowing what's coming makes us feel secure. When we can prepare and plan, we have a greater sense of control. This need for control isn’t just a preference—it's deeply embedded in our psychology.
When we face uncertainty, our sense of control is challenged. Our minds might start to imagine all sorts of possible outcomes, many of which can be worrying or negative, in an effort to prepare us for different scenarios. It's an inherent human response, but it can be overwhelming.
Uncertainty can be particularly stressful if the potential outcomes are important to us or if we feel that a lot is at stake. For example, uncertainty about a job can be more stressful because it's tied to our livelihood and sense of security. Likewise, uncertainty about the health of a family member can be distressing because of our emotional attachment and concern for their wellbeing.
It's important to understand that feeling anxious in the face of uncertainty is a common and natural reaction. Everyone experiences it at some point.
The benefits of embracing uncertainty and change
Embracing uncertainty and change may seem daunting but can actually bring several significant benefits. Understanding these potential gains can transform how we perceive and react to uncertain situations, turning them from sources of stress into opportunities for positive development.
Personal growth: When we're faced with uncertain times, we're often pushed beyond our comfort zones. This can be challenging, but it's also where personal growth happens. You might discover a strength or resilience you didn't know you had, or learn new ways to solve problems.
Fresh starts: Uncertainty often leads to change, and change can mean a fresh start. It can be an opportunity to reset and begin anew, whether it’s in your personal life, career, or hobbies. This fresh start can lead to new and exciting paths that you might not have considered before.
Increased confidence: Overcoming the challenges that come with uncertainty can significantly boost your confidence. It reinforces your belief in your ability to handle life's challenges, which can be empowering and encourage you to take on new challenges with a positive outlook.
Opportunities for new experiences: Uncertain times often bring with them the chance to try new things. Whether it's a new job, a new relationship, or a new hobby, these experiences can enrich your life, bringing joy and fulfillment.
Learning opportunities: Every uncertain situation offers unique learning experiences. You might learn practical skills, like how to manage finances better, or life skills, like how to be more adaptable.
Building resilience: Facing and managing uncertainty helps build resilience, which means the ability to bounce back from difficulties. The more you navigate uncertain situations, the better you become at coping with future challenges.
Enhanced problem-solving skills: Uncertainty often requires us to think creatively and come up with solutions to new problems. This enhances our problem-solving skills, making us more effective in various aspects of our lives.
8 ways to deal with uncertainty and change
By incorporating these strategies, you can find ways to cope with change, reduce anxiety, and maintain a sense of balance in your life. It's normal to feel unsettled during uncertain times, but with the right tools and support, you can manage these feelings with more ease.
1. Acknowledge your feelings and accept the reality of the situation
Start by acknowledging your feelings about the uncertain situation. It's okay to feel anxious or worried. It might be helpful to write down your feelings or talk about them with someone you trust.
💙 Practice finding Acceptance for things, and feelings, as they currently are, an important first step to any change.
2. Focus your energy and control what you can
Make a list of what you can influence in the situation and concentrate on those aspects. For example, if you're uncertain about a job situation, update your resume or learn a new skill relevant to your field. This approach helps shift your focus from what you can't control to what you can.
💙 If you’re struggling with letting go, listen to Control, a meditation to help guide you through the practice of release.
3. Recognize what’s working to keep your perspective in balance
Make a conscious effort to appreciate the stable aspects of your life. Whether you’re grateful for your health, family, or even the small daily routines that bring you comfort, take note of the good in your life. By maintaining a balanced perspective, you can alleviate some of the stress that comes with uncertainty.
💙 Allow appreciation for the good in your life to flourish with this weeklong 7 Days of Gratitude guided series.
4. Set achievable goals to maintain a sense of control
Set short-term, manageable goals. This could be as simple as completing a daily task or dedicating time to a hobby. Achieving these small goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and control in times of uncertainty.
5. Be mindful and challenge negative thoughts
When a troubling thought arises, pause and ask yourself if it's based on fact or fear. This practice helps you to maintain a more balanced and realistic outlook. It’s easy to get wrapped up in always thinking about the worst-case scenario, but once you bring awareness to your thoughts, you can shift your perspective bit by bit.
💙 Build your Noticing “muscles” during this meditation to bring new awareness to the nature of any thoughts you’re having.
6. Keep busy to stay present
Engage in activities that keep you in the present moment. This could be through meditation, a walk in nature, or focusing on a hobby. When you find your mind wandering to future uncertainties, gently bring your focus back to the present activity.
💙 Explore Returning to Now, a collection of meditations that incorporates the sound of meditation bells to bring you back to the present moment.
7. Self-soothe your way through stressful times
Identify healthy ways to soothe yourself during stressful times. You might find comfort in taking a warm bath, reading a book, or having a reassuring conversation with a friend.
💙 Learn to use your breath as a tool to find calm during stressful times with Chibs Okereke in Relax with the Breath.
8. Show strength by seeking support
Don't hesitate to reach out for help. This could be talking to friends or family, joining a support group, or seeking professional help. Asking for support is a sign of strength.
How to deal with uncertainty FAQs
How to deal with uncertainty at work?
Dealing with uncertainty at work involves focusing on aspects you can control, like your daily tasks or professional development. Start by organizing your workload and setting clear, achievable goals for each day or week. Communicate openly with your colleagues and supervisors about your concerns or suggestions. Also, consider exploring resources for professional growth—such as online courses or workshops—which can boost your confidence and prepare you for various outcomes.
How do you deal with feelings of uncertainty?
Managing feelings of uncertainty starts with acknowledging and accepting these emotions. It's normal to feel anxious or worried in uncertain times. Practice mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help stay grounded. Journaling your thoughts and feelings can also provide clarity and relief. Additionally, engaging in activities you enjoy, like a hobby or exercise, can help shift your focus from worry to wellbeing.
How do you tolerate uncertainty?
Tolerating uncertainty involves building your resilience to face the unknown. This can be done by gradually exposing yourself to small uncertainties and learning to cope with the discomfort they bring. Focus on developing a flexible mindset that adapts to changing situations. Maintain a routine where possible, as it provides a sense of normalcy and stability. Practicing self-care and mindfulness regularly can also strengthen your ability to tolerate uncertainty.
What is your strategy for handling uncertainty?
A good strategy for handling uncertainty is a combination of acceptance, planning, and seeking support. Accept that uncertainty is a part of life and focus on what you can control. Plan by setting short-term goals and preparing for different possible outcomes. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance and reassurance. Staying informed and learning from past experiences can also be effective.
How do you cope during times of uncertainty?
Coping during times of uncertainty requires a balanced approach to maintain both your mental and physical wellbeing. Keep a regular routine, including consistent sleep patterns and healthy eating habits. Stay connected with your support network. Engage in physical activities, which are great for reducing stress and improving mood. Finally, limit exposure to news or social media if it increases your anxiety, and focus on reliable sources of information.
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