How to spot an "energy vampire" (or energy sucker) Plus 10 ways to protect your energy

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Learn what an “energy vampire” is, the symptoms, and how to spot the signs of an emotionally draining person. Plus, how to stop someone from draining your energy.
Have you ever felt unusually exhausted after spending time with someone? Perhaps you’ve felt emotionally drained or in a lower mood after being around a certain person. If this sounds familiar to you, it's possible that you've encountered an energy vampire. These people can significantly drain your emotional and mental resources and are often unaware of their impact on others. Whether you come across an energy vampire in your personal relationships, the workplace, or social settings, understanding and managing their influence is essential for preserving your mental and emotional health.
What is an energy vampire (or energy sucker) and how do they affect our health?
An “energy vampire” is a person who leaves you feeling depleted both emotionally and mentally after you’ve spent time with them. It’s not a clinical term, but more a colloquial shorthand used to describe a kind of person who drains your energy. And it’s not quite as mysterious as it sounds.
When you’re together, this type of person constantly demands your attention, support, or empathy, oftentimes without realizing it. The effects of being around an energy vampire is more than just feeling a bit tired after a long chat. It's about feeling constantly worn out, stressed, or even sad after your interactions with them.
And these feelings aren’t just in your head. Interacting with an energy vampire can significantly affect your health and wellbeing. Research has shown that prolonged emotional stress can have real physical effects on your body. It can lead to increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which can affect your sleep, mood, and even your immune system over time.
“Energy suckers" is another term people use for energy vampires. These individuals drain emotional and mental energy from those around them, often unintentionally. While the term "energy vampire" is more widely recognized, "energy suckers" describes the same exhausting experience of dealing with emotionally demanding people.
Learning about how energy vampires affect you is not about placing blame, but rather about understanding the dynamics of your relationships and how they impact you physically and emotionally. Approaching your relationships with a greater sense of understanding helps you maintain a balance that allows you to be healthy, happy, and capable of offering support to others in a sustainable way.
What are the different types of energy vampires?
Energy vampires come in various forms, each with unique behaviors that can drain your emotional energy. It's crucial to approach these situations with empathy and understanding, recognizing that energy vampires may be dealing with their own struggles and may not be aware of the impact of their behavior.
The victim: This type of energy vampire is always encountering problems and seeking sympathy. They often see themselves as perpetually wronged by life and share their woes frequently, expecting constant support and reassurance. While it's natural to want to help, continuous exposure to their negativity can be exhausting.
The criticizer: The criticizer is quick to point out flaws and rarely has anything positive to say. Whether it's about your choices or general aspects of life, their constant criticism can chip away at your confidence and leave you feeling judged and inadequate.
The dramatizer: Dramatizers love being the center of attention. They often blow things out of proportion to ensure they remain the focus. Their exaggerated tales might initially seem entertaining, but over time, their need for drama can create an atmosphere of tension and unrest.
The blamer: Blamers have a habit of holding others responsible for their own problems. They struggle to take accountability for their actions and often find someone else to point fingers at. This shifting of blame can create a frustrating and unjust environment, especially if you're often their target.
The manipulator: Manipulators are skilled in using emotional tactics to get what they want. They might use guilt, pity, or flattery, making it challenging to discern their true intentions. Interactions with manipulators can be confusing and emotionally draining, as you're often left second-guessing their motives and your responses.
How to spot an emotional vampire: 4 signs
Recognizing an energy vampire—or as some call them, an 'energy sucker'—is the first step to protecting yourself from emotional exhaustion. Below, you’ll find some common signs that you’re interacting with an emotional vampire.
1. They need to be the center of attention
Energy vampires often seek to be the main focus in social situations. They may frequently interrupt others, steer conversations back to themselves, or behave dramatically to ensure all eyes are on them. This constant need for attention can be draining for those around them.
2. They exaggerate problems
Energy vampires have a tendency to blow things out of proportion. A minor inconvenience might be described as a major disaster. A habit of exaggeration can create unnecessary drama and stress, making interactions with them tiring and overwhelming.
3. They blame others constantly
A key sign of an energy vampire is their refusal to accept responsibility for their actions. They often blame others for their misfortunes and fail to acknowledge their own role in situations. Being around someone who doesn’t take accountability for how they behave can create a negative and unproductive environment, especially if you find yourself frequently being blamed.
4. They use people
Energy vampires often view relationships in terms of what they can gain. They might manipulate situations to their advantage or take more from relationships than they give. Having a very unbalanced dynamic with a person can leave you feeling used and unappreciated, draining your emotional reserves.
How an energy vampire might make you feel: 4 symptoms
Being around an energy vampire can evoke a range of feelings and experiences, both emotional and physical. These symptoms are your body and mind's response to the stress of dealing with someone who constantly drains your emotional energy.
Acknowledging how an energy vampire affects you will help you learn how to protect your energy. It's okay to put your own emotional health first and find ways to manage these interactions in a way that preserves your mental and emotional balance.
1. Drained and tired
One of the most noticeable symptoms of being around an energy vampire is a sense of exhaustion. It's not just feeling physically tired—it's a deeper sense of being emotionally depleted. You might find that after spending time with them, you feel like you have little energy left for other activities or people.
2. Anxious or stressed
Interactions with an energy vampire can leave you feeling on edge. You might experience increased anxiety or stress, especially if you're anticipating future interactions. This can manifest as nervousness, irritability, or a constant feeling of tension.
3. Avoiding social contact
If you're regularly exposed to an energy vampire, you might start to withdraw from social situations, even those unrelated to the energy vampire. Isolating yourself is your mind's way of trying to recuperate from the emotional drain.
4. Overwhelmed by negativity
Energy vampires often have a negative outlook, and this can start to affect your mood. You might notice yourself feeling more pessimistic or less hopeful about things you used to feel positive about.
How to deal with an energy vampire: 10 ways to protect your energy
When dealing with an energy vampire, it's crucial to have strategies in place to protect your emotional wellbeing. Protecting your emotional energy isn't just about avoiding negative influences—it's about creating a healthy, balanced life where your wellbeing is a priority.
1. Limit your exposure to reduce emotional drain
Choose how much time you spend with the energy vampire. If possible, shorten your interactions with them or see them less frequently. Limiting your exposure can significantly reduce the emotional drain.
💙 If you find yourself feeling off balance after an interaction, learn how to Reset With the Breath to calm your mind and nerves.
2. Keep a mental distance to preserve your emotional energy
Stay aware of your emotional state when you're with them. Try to keep a mental distance and not get too involved in their drama or problems. Having distance can help you maintain your emotional reserves.
3. Establish clear boundaries on acceptable behaviors
Decide what behaviors you will and won’t accept. Communicate your boundaries calmly and clearly. If they're not respected, be prepared to step back from the interaction.
💙 Learn how to use Boundaries in relationships to protect your energy from the Relationship with Others series.
4. Avoid confrontations to minimize feeling drained
Engaging in conflicts with an energy vampire can be especially draining. Where possible, steer clear of arguments and try to keep interactions neutral.
5. Practice self-care by learning to say no
It's okay to refuse requests or invitations that you know will leave you feeling drained. Saying no is a vital part of self-care and maintaining your emotional health.
💙 Listen to the Radical Self-Care series to discover self-care tools and practices that can help you restore your energy.
6. Replenish your own energy through mindful activities
When you feel drained from an energy vampire (or 'vamp energy' as some call it), recharging through mindful activities like meditation, walking, or deep breathing can help restore your balance. Engage in activities that replenish your energy. This could be anything from reading, taking a walk, or practicing mindfulness and meditation.
💙 Go on a 20-minute walk while listening to a Walking Meditation designed to support you in cultivating mindfulness, even on the go.
7. Get a fresh perspective through a supportive chat
Talking to someone you trust about your experiences can be helpful. They might offer a different perspective or just provide a listening ear.
8. Focus on the positives in your relationships
Take time to consider which relationships energize you and which ones drain you. Focusing more on positive relationships can help balance the effects of energy vampires.
💙 Slowing down and clearing your mind with Jeff Warren’s Balanced and Present meditation can help ground you as you begin to examine which relationships feel supportive.
9. Gain insights by educating yourself on relationship dynamics
Learn more about how to handle difficult relationships. You might find resources like books, articles, and workshops on relationships can provide valuable insights. You can even chat with a trusted friend or family member.
10. Seek support from a professional
If you find it particularly challenging to deal with an energy vampire, seeking guidance from a mental health professional can be beneficial, as therapists and counselors provide a safe space for sharing and can be effective sounding boards.
Energy vampire FAQs
How can you tell if someone is an energy vampire?
Identifying an energy vampire involves noticing how you feel during and after your interactions with them. Common signs include feeling unusually tired, stressed, or emotionally depleted after spending time with them. They might frequently seek attention, exaggerate problems, blame others for their issues, or manipulate situations for their benefit. Pay attention to how your energy levels and mood change when you're around certain people. If you consistently feel drained or overwhelmed after your interactions, it's possible they could be an energy vampire.
How do I protect myself from energy vampires?
Protecting yourself from energy vampires involves several key steps. First, try to limit the amount of time you spend with them. This might mean shortening your interactions or seeing them less often. Next, establish clear boundaries about what behaviors you will and won't accept, and communicate these boundaries calmly but firmly. It's also important to practice self-care by engaging in activities that replenish your energy, such as spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies, or practicing relaxation techniques. Additionally, learn to say no to requests or invitations that might drain your energy. Finally, consider seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if you find it challenging to deal with the situation on your own.
Are energy vampires narcissists?
Not all energy vampires are narcissists, but some can exhibit narcissistic traits. Narcissism involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. While energy vampires drain your energy by being overly negative, demanding, or dramatic, not all of them display the full range of narcissistic behaviors. It's important to differentiate between someone who is going through a difficult time and needs support, and someone who consistently displays toxic behaviors that affect your wellbeing. In cases of true narcissism, seeking professional guidance can be helpful in navigating the relationship effectively.
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